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How do I get a gas meter fitted?
As a new home owner, property developer or business owner, it’s imperative that your gas meter installation is handled with profession, accountability and speed.
Before a meter can be installed, you will need to contact a licensed gas provider to set up your new gas connection. If you don’t have one in mind, don’t worry. Crown Utilities are experts in this field and will be able to ensure you find one that suits your needs. Call us today on 0161 938 4920 to speak to one of our friendly team.
Once you’ve chosen a gas provider and everything’s set up with them, it’s important that your meter is only installed by a registered company who installs meters to Ofgem guidelines.
Crown Utilities are the experts of gas meter installation. After examining your home and ensuring we are confident that we have all of the required information, we will begin work and aim to get everything completed within 7 days of your order, no matter where you’re located.
How long does it take to install a gas meter?
The length of time can vary from one job to another. On average a gas meter would take around 6 to 12 weeks to install, but this can vary on the availability of engineers and how long it takes to complete the quote phase.
Our ultimate aim is to keep timescales to an absolute minimum, but certain factors are beyond our control. When you contact us regarding your gas meter install, we will provide you with a more accurate timescale based on your requirements.
How much will a new gas meter cost?
The cost of a new gas meter installation depends on the size of the meter required, the design of your premises and whether you’re on the national grid. By inspecting your site in detail to determine your needs, we can offer your new gas meter at the best possible price on the market.
Where is my gas meter?
If you’re moving into a new site you may not be aware of your gas meter’s location. In houses, they tend to be located in the kitchen, under the stairs, in the hallway or outside in a meter box or storage area. If you still can’t find it, it’s likely that other properties in the vicinity will have their meter in the same place so it’s worthwhile to ask around.
Can I move my gas meter?
We understand the difficulty that arises when a gas meter is not in an ideal location when completing renovation works or extending your property. Crown Utilities can move your gas meter to a new location either inside or outside the property, you can discuss any specific requirements with your account manager.
As a home or business owner, you cannot move a gas meter yourself, as it’s against the law, and of course, very dangerous to undertake if you are not qualified. This can (and should) only be carried out by a licensed gas supplier.
Moving your gas meter usually involves switching off the gas source to your property. For safety reasons, we cut into the pipeline two meters away from your site and then divert it to the new position. If the inner copper pipeline is within two meters of your gas meter’s new location, you can apply for your meter to be refitted and relinked to the inner copper pipeline
We will provide a team of talented technicians to ensure you get your gas meter moved efficiently and without delay. Call us today on 0330 123 5665 to speak to one of our knowledgeable team about getting your meter moved.
How long does it take to move a gas meter?
It completely depends on the complexity of the job as each one is unique. The standard timescales for preparation to completion of the works are around six weeks. We aim to keep the process of preparation to labour to a minimum.
How do I take a gas meter reading?
Gas meters have a four or five-digit number, showing the number of gas units you’ve used. You can work this out by subtracting your previous reading from an up-to-date reading. Your supplier converts the amount of gas units used into kilowatt hours (kWh) which is what is on your gas bill.
There are two types of gas meter: Gas dial meters and gas digital meters
To read a gas digital meter correctly you will need to:
- Read from left to right
- Ignore digits after the decimal point and any red numbers
Each dial turns in the opposite direction to that before it, so check which way they turn.
How often is my gas meter read?
Your meter will usually be read every 3 months by your distributor. They will sometimes take estimations of your usage instead of taking readings, however, they are required to read your meter at least once a year.
Why choose Crown Utilities?
Our in-house system ensures complete efficiency when it comes to setting up new gas supplies and meter installations.
You will have one point of contact throughout the whole process with your very own Account Manager on hand to ensure the highest standard of customer care.
- Free no obligation quote
- Exceptional service and delivery times
- Full site inspection
- Nationwide coverage
For a hassle-free transition, call our friendly team here at Crown Utilities today on 0161 938 4920.